Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have just moved back to OKC from Stillwater and this has been my bajillionth time to move. Thus, I have decided to share with you all the art of moving, with a little help from other's insights as well. Hopefully, nobody but this guy has to move like this:

So first, no matter what you say, you will need boxes. However, there are an endless amount of ways to get boxes for free!! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Liquor Stores
  2. Starbucks
  3. Bookstores
  4. Any school department that has a copier (This is where I got the boxes for my most recent move).
  5. Craigslist
Second, no matter how many boxes you've packed, loading the U-haul takes forever. I recommend a U-haul because it's a one trip load and unload. For me to pack all of my belongings up in Stillwater and drive them back to OKC cost me about 160. Loading the U-haul took about 4 hours and unloading only took one. Can you believe it? That's bringing everything downstairs to load and moving everything upstairs to unload. Silly. Also, when you get a U-haul I suggest moving during the week if you can, this way less people have reservations and if you run late getting the truck back all you have to do is call ahead and no extra charges or grumblings.

Third, Dolly, dolly, get a damn dolly! I had four solid wood bookshelves(That I loaded on my own) and I went ahead and rented the big utility dolly ($10) and it saved me from what would have been some terrible doses of belly aching, back aching headaches. 

I made the mistake of putting most furniture in the truck first. This sounds like a good idea but when you're dragging it in around all the boxes you've unloaded you'll wish you'd done it vice versa. Also, I would recommend throwing some bottled water/beer/insert drink of choice in your new fridge prior to the moving. I was never so thirsty in my life. 

Just. Get. It. Done. Don't tell yourself, "Oh, hey, I'll get that tomorrow." The sooner you move everything the sooner you can unpack/arrange everything and the sooner you can relax in your new home. 

After this past time I may even hire movers because then, I'm not covered in bruises from banging stuff around. The professionals are professionals for a reason :)

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